Short Stuff from Southcoast, MA - This (I believe) is my first political-type post so, here goes. Oh, and this may be my last! Is anyone worried about offending Catholics, WASPS or Jews? Lot's of kids? Must be Catholic. OMG! Get over it, true Catholics don't practice birth control. And, the World is still spinning on its axis.
Straight laced and humorless? Must be a WASP. Calvinism still exists. Or, as a WASP friend asked me once, "What do you see when four WASPS are sitting at a table? A fifth!" You need to know the culture to understand the joke or get the punchline. Yet, the World is still spinning on its axis.
See a Jew eating bacon? Its not your business, it's theirs. They don't keep Kosher. And still, the World continues spinning on its axis. Okay? When did we in the U.S.A. get so stupid? There's a big difference between stereotyping, prejudice and being PC - Politically Correct. Do we need political correctness to govern our humanity? Perhaps PC should be replaced by common sense. Look what it's done for us so far!
PC? A.K.A. - F.U.D. (Fear, Urgency and Doubt). Maybe Fredrich Nietzsche had the best idea and advice of all, "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."
What I'm leading to is the third branch (God, is someone going to get on me because of the ranking? First came Judaism, then Christianity and finally...) of the tree of Abraham - Islam. Is is respect we give this faith and it's followers because respect - the Golden Rule - is what should guide people of good conscience; or fear?
In France, Muslim refugees protested at being offered Gauloise Stew, a traditional French dish. The food was free and available through a soup kitchen. The "soup" served in the soup kitchens of France is considered on par with the finest establishments. The French take their food seriously! The government's reaction? Eat or don't eat. Of course, a true Frenchman is never PC!
There are more examples. What triggered this was the killing of (call it what you want, he's still dead) Osama Bin Laden during a raid on his compound. Why do these guys hang around in lairs and compounds? There have been comments on the web and the blogosphere about his disposal (not burial - I buried my cat, he was disposed of) being in keeping with or in respect to Islamic law and sentiment. Are these people nuts? His body had to be disposed of for purely strategic reasons! No body. No martyr's grave. No touchstone for further terrorist inspiration. The word burial used in news reports triggered a lot of this hoopla.
He was armed (that's better?). He wasn't armed (not better?) He used his wife as a shield? She shielded him? Who cares! He died as he lived - in violence. Why is everyone so interested in proof? There was proof of the Jewish extermination. Who believed it? Who stopped it? Gustave Flaubert, the author of the literary classic Madame Bovary said, "The Earth has its boundaries, but human stupidity is limitless."
There was a saying about Monday Morning Quarterbacks but since there's Monday Night Football - well, I hope you get my drift. Anyway, now there's the big issue in today's news about the damn photo of his dead body and we didn't land on the Moon and Area 51 is; real, not, real, not...
Here's my point, we're not dealing with a religion. We're dealing with individuals who have a warped sense of religion. Not all Muslims are quick to anger psychopaths. Was Christianity to blame for Jim Jones or David Koresh? Why are we so careful, or is it afraid of disrespecting (or, is it angering) these terrorists whose fundamentalism is extreme?
Maybe having family who have been part of or who have played a major part in World War II, Korea and the wars on drugs, terrorism and crime gives me a different perspective. They were in covert operations. The most recent member of that world, I can't and won't get myself to speak to them just to ask them stupid questions. Why? They were a part of the initial response to 9-11 and I don't want them to relive any of it. They saw what BS all of this clattering is. They saw the idiocy of PC!
Bin Laden's body was disposed of not to tick-off a religion but to stem further insanity. Show the picture or don't. I don't care. Is he dead or isn't he? Doesn't really matter - the job isn't done. I saw a comment on some blog or Tweet saying - look at these people dancing in the street - they can't even name the three branches of government.
The flag flying isn't what it was in the year following 9-11. Voter registration and voting are no better now than before 9-11. Our men and women continue to stand on "that wall" ten years later (longer than WWII, Korea and Vietnam put together) to protect us from terrorism but they can't protect us from ourselves.
Bill Clinton had a note near his desk that said, It's the Economy Stupid! If we have a global economy then why wouldn't it apply to other countries? Religion is to blame for the Inquisition, the Conquistadors, the Crusades and so much more. What religion was to blame during the Holocaust?
One more time - It's the Economy Stupid! - it's about the haves and have nots and it's the reason for the Rain Forest, the Middle East and other atrocities against Nature and Man.
When in Rome, do as the Romans - Saint Ambrose
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's - Matthew 22:21
Let me say this loud and clear. There is a world of difference between terrorist acts and the Islamic Shari'a. Islam is not only a religion, but a way of life. And at its heart lie the sacred principles of tolerance and dialogue. - King Hussein I
Can't we all... just... get along? - Rodney King
Yeah, I know you PC types noticed - I put the Muslim and Black guy quotes last - OMG! Obviously you either didn't read or understand the quotes and their contextual positioning.
The Buddha said it best, "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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