Friday, December 16, 2011

Sometimes I'm Reminded Why I Teach

New Bedford in HD from Maggie Perez on Vimeo.

I tell my students that sometimes my best lectures are played in head as I'm leaving the class.  Those lectures are stored in my "Should'a. Could'a. Would'a." file.  There are also some day when I feel I did a good job and wished I had a video of my performance to look over and help inspire me on another day.

But, the best "moments" are those when a student does something that not only shocks them; it also makes me happy and proud that I do what I do.  Of course, that little voice in my head also questions me about whether I really had something or anything to do with the student's success.

This is a video my student Maggie Perez made to illustrate how she felt about the city of New Bedford and the beauty and possibilities she sees.  The class was Topics in Sustainability.  The course project assignment challenged students to present their vision of a totally diverse and sustainable urban environment that retains its identity and vibrancy through its neighborhoods and villages.

Maggie presented the first step - Believe!  This is her trailer.  Her final product is in fact still a work in progress since there was no time to insert the interview clips of a diverse cross-section of residents.  She plans to return to this project and carry it further. 

Hope you like it as well as I do!