Monday, July 4, 2011

Cha-Cha-Changes - A Lot Can Happen in a Minute

Contemplating life in Southcoast, MA - TICK.  TOCK.  TICK.  TOCK.  THE CLOCK NEVER STOPS.  SEASONS COME.  SEASONS GO.  TURN.  TURN - From St. Paul to the Byrds -

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep

The transition from spring to summer has been interesting.  If you've ever wondered if the Chinese curse - may you live an interesting life - had any teeth?  Well, it may.  I have seen my twisted finger, a gift of the Viking heritage I didn't know I had, transformed by a great surgeon.  What is more amazing is the transition from a nearly five inch incision to a nearly invisible line and the ability to wash my face again without poking my eye out.

I have witnessed our grandchildren graduate: one from kindergarten, who less than nine months ago was a caveman to one who now counts, reads and absorbs everything he comes into contact with.  The princess - oops - Princess, graduated (the youngest in her class) from middle school as class salutatorian.  She is so multi-faceted that she can't decide what she wants to be.  I've told her that the secret to her success will be in doing what makes her the happiest. 

True success, however, comes with the right timing.  Timing is everything.  Preparation is timely.  I hope they both heed the words of Confucius, " “By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter"

Also too, the Greatest Generation lost another son, brother, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, father-in-law and friend.  This unassuming man enlisted in the Second World War and was affiliated with the Mighty Eighth Air Force, U.S.S.T.A.F. and unofficially the C.I.A. during the Korean War. 

With his passing, I think back to those in the family who served in World War II on this Fourth of July (I've been on a hiatus of sorts with all of this family and personal activity) including my uncles; one a member of the first UDT's (Underwater Demolition Team) or, (one of the original forerunners to today's SEALs) frogman who managed to join the Navy before Pearl Harbor at just fifteen and a half. 

He passed this January.  His brother, who predeceased him in 1997, will always be Cowabunga (another story for another time) to me,  served on the USS Cleveland (General MacArthur's command vessel for the invasion of the Philippine Islands) and then was drafted into the Army just in time for the Korean War.  Talk about timing...

There's a time for every purpose under heaven.  What will tomorrow bring?