Is you is or is you ain't ...
There's a lot to be said about this song in the context of business and customer relationships. Can you hypothetically ask your customers: Is you is or is you ain't my baby? Should you hypothetically ask yourself: Well, maybe my baby found somebody new?
But. Now there's a little word with a heck of a lot of clout! Think of how that word can destroy your perceptions of, well, about anything. For instance:
- I love you, but... or,
- The check is in the mail, but... or,
- The warranty covers everything but...
- "The meal was fine, but..."
- "Sure, the service is good, but..."
Salespeople, Marketing & Management - Oh, My!
Ask yourself these important questions: Are both your Salespeople and Marketing representing you the way you want to be represented or, the way you think you're being represented? Do you realize that even good Marketing can make things worse if your Salespeople don't deliver as the advertising promised? Do your Salespeople understand the needs of both current and potential (new) customers?
These questions might keep you up at night but they might not be answered as honestly as required. However, if you were to ask your customers the following questions directly, they may be more forthright with their answers. For example: Ask them how they feel about their current or past experiences with your organization. How would they rate you based on service and reliability or, price and selection? You know, their answers may pleasantly surprise you. This kind of analysis isn't always about doom and gloom! Also ask them if your Management always resolves their issues to their complete satisfaction.
Sales Ain't Off for Nothin'...
After this, I'll challenge you to continue believing that your low or lackluster sales can only be blamed on the economy. But, as you'll soon learn, if your honest about it, is that your Salespeople can make you or break you. Your Marketing, even if it's very good, can also harm you. Of course, if it's bad, it needs to be fixed. As for your Management, or perhaps lack of it, it has to be fixed, too! If the "fish" smells from the head down, it also stands to reason that a fresh fish is the result of a fresh head.
Customers Is or Customers Ain't...
In the end, there are only two types of customers - happy customers and not happy customers. Happy customers buy and keep on buying as long as they're happy. Not happy customers may buy, but they don't buy as much and as often as happy customers. I know what you're thinking. Not happy customers don't buy. Wrong! A customer is only a customer because they buy. Happy customers buy, buy more and buy more often. They also have a silly habit of bringing new customers with them to buy, too. So, is you is or is you ain't doing what you're supposed to be doing? And, are your customers happy or ain't they? You can't just sit and wonder if they found somebody new!